Turkey Thighmeat skinless and Boneless
Boneless and skinless turkey thighmeat, 100% Italian, great in so many different recipes
Here is an AIA recipe for Boneless Turkey:
Turkey Brochettes
Preparation time: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Serves: 4 people
Preparation: to each slice of turkey, add a sage leaf and then roll it up with a slice of pancetta; skewer the rolls onto metal skewers. Placing another sage leaf between each roll. Place the brochettes on a baking pan with three tablespoons of oil, the vinegar and the water and bake at 175° C for one hour. Sprinkle on some white wine as soon as they have browned, and add a tablespoon of water from time to time. When done, serve on a platter with parsley and lemon wedges.